Population and financial figures are broken down by category: Elections, Demographics, Service Delivery, Economics, and Education.
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Explore how people are using HURUmap Tanzania to improve their storytelling.
By Mwananchi
Msingi dhaifu wa masomo ya Hisabati na Kiingereza unazidi kudhoofisha elimu ya msingi nchini, jambo linalotishia mustakabali wa kuzalisha wataalamu bora watakaochochea maendeleo.
By Mwananchi
Dar es Salaam. Licha ya kipato cha mfanyakazi kwa mwezi kuongezeka nchini bado kuna mwanya mkubwa wa kimapato kijinsia baada ya wanaume kuingiza fedha nyingi zaidi kuliko wanawake.
By IPP Media
A recent Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI) position paper on regulatory authorities shows that although the manufacturing sector generates tax revenues to the tune of 248 billion/- per year.